Group Course


Time to Evolve Your Performance?


New Program starting June 26th


Do you know how to be at your best throughout the day?

Do you feel like there’s an easier way to achieve your goals?

Do you have a way to evolve your performance continuously?


Learn how to: 


Develop behaviours for peak performance and productivity

Remove mental blocks such as fear, stress and brain chatter

Evolve mental focus & perception

Develop greater mental strength

Optimise physical health

Enjoy a happier and more harmonious state of mind


The program is based on three pillars: 

The Mind – Physical Health – Performance

All grounded in Self-Awareness (what works for you).


Program Package  


$1,200 (inclusive of GST)

20 hours of Coaching with High-Performance Coach Will Hay

Support between sessions and Course books

Limited to a small group of five like-minded people 

10 x 2 hr Zoom sessions – on a fortnightly schedule

 Highly interactive format

To learn more about Will Hay – CLICK HERE

Sign up closes 12th JUNE

This course is for personal and professional development and can be tax-deducted, but please contact your Accountant.


Schedule a FREE 15-minute call to learn more




“I had some incredible stress in my work life and relationship issues in my personal life. I was dealing with some real trauma. I felt extremely stressed, fatigued, and worried that the sky was falling. This program has helped me understand the Ego, Intellect and Mind and how they are connected. I now have the tools to make better decisions and feel my emotional intelligence has evolved.”

  ★★★★★ / Tyler Smith, Regional Director Enterprise Sales  / CISCO

“I have dealt with anxiety and lack of trust in myself. I was constantly stressed, overthinking every decision, and trying to overcompensate by rushing to solve problems without giving myself time to assess the situation entirely. This program forced me to slow down and focus on what is important to me, not only in my life but in how I show up at work. It’s helpful to have those values clearly stated so I can keep returning to them when things get difficult.

★★★★ / Carolyn Wright, People Consultant / CISCO

“Dealing with multiple demands on time, which drove lack of focus and prioritisation. Analysis paralyses, overthinking, and second-guessing myself. This creates inefficiencies and wastes time and mental cycles doing/worrying about less important tasks. It can also affect confidence and concentration. This program has helped me learn to tune in and trust myself. What a revelation. I can now achieve mental calmness and remove distractions, creating an amazing sense of peace and energy. The connection between mental and physical health was good; it changed some of my habits and routines.” 

★★★★★ / Darren Peoples, Sales Executive / CISCO


Learn more about the program from the Founder of The Nature of Success, Matt Griggs.