
Know Thyself

“Who am I?” It’s probably the most important, yet most avoided question you could ever ask yourself. Important…Because it inspires a sense of purpose, sets the foundation for personal evolution and self-expression and gives you a sense of finding, not losing, yourself...

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3 Questions to Help Your Performance

We’re living in an endless stream of people telling us what we should and shouldn’t be doing to be successful. While there’s a lot amount of great information out there, it can cause challenges. Not only is everyone’s definition of success different, our starting...

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Mind Your Game

I enjoy playtime as a form of healthy self-expression. These days, I like to spend my personal time surfing, and being in nature and in recent years, I’ve grown to love the game of golf. Both give me an experience in nature, exercise, a feeling of playfulness and a...

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Take the heat out of it.

Stress, anxiety, and dysfunction can send our energy sky-rocketing hot. Our performance suffers, and we can become a hot mess. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed you can use too much energy to get the job done?  Do you find you perform best when you are...

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Power of Praise

The Power of Praise is so powerful especially in the corporate environment. We can take for granted that the people working with us or for us are humans with feelings. They’re not machines. In our quest to achieve more, we can lose the ability to see others. One way...

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Are you fully immersed in a feeling of energised focus, complete presence and enjoyment of your daily pursuits?  If you're like 32% of the disengaged work force out there, probably not. So how do we become more mentally engaged and experience this greater connection,...

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