Why what you DON’T DO, matters.


There’s always something to do right, to make your mark in this World in a positive way? And when you’re not doing it, you’re probably strategizing on how you might make your mark. But who is ever thinking about what not to do, or how not to be? Allow honesty to humour your humility and you’ll realise, despite our best intentions, not everything we say or do adds… and I’m sure there have been times where reactivity got the better of you… and you said or did something that didn’t help. When it comes to the highest performers, it’s not just how they are being and what they are doing that makes them high performing. Just as important, is how they’re not being and what they’re not doing!

We’ve all been there, when we watched someone say something cringeworthy. How can seemingly smart people do this? The answer is in the most unexplored territory of human performance, the mind. A disharmonious state of mind spawns negativity. A disharmonious mind is one that doesn’t understand, whose ignorance is born in either being distracted, or you simply, just don’t know. Read that sentence again and you’ll realise all mistakes (times when you did or said something that didn’t help) come from this.., either you didn’t know what you were doing, or you weren’t paying attention. If you want to be an addition to this World, first, learn to pay attention. Second, learn to be more understanding as a human being. Don’t problems go away where understanding appears? Now that is a positive outcome!

Obviously, delivering understanding never creates problems, delivering ignorance does.

So, how do we gain the self-control and self-awareness to be a consistent addition to the World you inhabit, personally and professionally? And just as important, how do we detach from reactivity associated with sub or unconscious ways of being that drive negative outcomes. All of this starts in the mind and needs to be solved in the mind.

  1. Practice Kelee® meditation (KM). The practice of KM helps us become more consciously aware and less reactive, amongst many other benefits.
  2. When you do your daily journaling or to-do list, couple that with an awareness that sets an intention of how you are NOT going to be and what you are NOT going to do.

If you really want to be an addition to your personal and professional World, train your mind to be understanding of what you’re setting into motion and you can stay in the zone of positive influence and not set something into motion that isn’t helpful.