Power of Praise


The Power of Praise is so powerful especially in the corporate environment. We can take for granted that the people working with us or for us are humans with feelings. They’re not machines.

In our quest to achieve more, we can lose the ability to see others.

One way to combat this is the use of the power of praise. We are so good at telling people all the things they’re doing wrong but never what they’re doing right.

Reflecting on my journey as a young female producer working in a large corporate business, I never experienced the power of praise. I worked long hours for very little because I was told to ‘earn my stripes’. I burnt out quickly.

Leadership style has a massive impact on company culture. Statistics tell us that the number one reason people leave their working environment is due to the people and culture.

Don’t get me wrong, feedback is the breakfast of champions, but if you’re not delivering this correctly, it won’t have the effect you’re looking for. (Side note: If you receive feedback, ensure it’s from a trusted source. Everyone loves to give their opinion; we’re all experts on everyone else’s life but rarely our own.)

I’ll give you an example; today, in one of my coaching sessions with a very senior client from a large organisation stopped me halfway through the session to say, out of the blue, “Kate, I just want to take a moment to acknowledge that what I’m learning from you is great stuff, it’s helping me. I want you to know that.”  This praise was so impactful that my instinct was to see how I could help this client more. You give and you will receive. 

If you are leading a team of people and you are responsible for their productivity, watch how much more they want to help you when you take a moment to praise them on something they are doing well. It’s potent. Human beings LOVE the love. Try it.