Know Thyself


“Who am I?” It’s probably the most important, yet most avoided question you could ever ask yourself. Important…Because it inspires a sense of purpose, sets the foundation for personal evolution and self-expression and gives you a sense of finding, not losing, yourself in the pursuit of success. Avoided… mostly because it’s hard to understand something that is constantly changing. Let’s face it, it’s also easy without training to get distracted away from yourself and focus on the object of your attention… your work, your family, friends etc., And loose connection to who the subject of this life is… you. 

What is the Nature of our being? Our nature represents our intrinsic value. Everybody would like to bring value to this World, so how do we do that? Your value, at least up until now, is in the pure self-expression of everything you have truly realised for yourself. I.e., it is all your understanding. When you bring that understanding to the World, you’ll always get a positive result. I.e., It helps. What hinders, are opinions, based in mis or non-understandings and internalised fears that infect our mind. In the language of the Kelee®, these are known as compartments, emotional buttons that manifest as inefficient and reactive behavioural traits… not pure self-expression. 

So how do we understand who we are? A good place to start is the opposite, who I am not?  You are not your issues! These can be solved via Kelee® Meditation where you’ll learn the art of detachment. We pick up impurities throughout our life experience, from other people’s fears and beliefs that we have accepted as our own. These compartmentalise within and infect our self-expression and performance. If it doesn’t work or doesn’t feel good, it would be wise to follow the great Yoda’s advice and “unlearn what we have learned.”

In the spirit of these thought-provoking articles, something to contemplate… What is pure and what is not? What helps and what hinders? What are my core values and philosophy and am I really living it? What do you really know? Not your opinion, or your theories, but what do you really know from your own life experience? This is your value and the best possible thing you could feel for yourself and share with the World. It is the constant self-study that manifests itself as self-awareness. I.e., knowing thyself.