Why what you DON’T DO, matters.

Why what you DON’T DO, matters.

There’s always something to do right, to make your mark in this World in a positive way? And when you’re not doing it, you’re probably strategizing on how you might make your mark. But who is ever thinking about what not to do, or how not to be? Allow honesty to...
Do you procrastinate?

Do you procrastinate?

The thought seems to come out of nowhere, often referred to as “came out of the blue.” Sometimes it is a direct knowing, an idea… sometimes it is a thinking, something on your mind that you know you need to do, but haven’t got around to yet. Between the idea and the...
Where does your knowledge come from?

Where does your knowledge come from?

One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life is to unlearn some of the fiction my brain had been fed. In my quest for knowledge, I first had to face many existing flaws, not only in what I believed to be true within myself, but in the way our current system...
The Holistic High Performance Model

The Holistic High Performance Model

Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle Look at elite performance as a gigantic puzzle – and without finding every piece, you will have something missing. This “missing,” is what we are looking for when we seek to improve ourselves, to not only grow in the...