Take the heat out of it.


Stress, anxiety, and dysfunction can send our energy sky-rocketing hot. Our performance suffers, and we can become a hot mess. Have you ever noticed that when you are stressed you can use too much energy to get the job done? 

Do you find you perform best when you are relaxed and acutely aware of what you are doing whilst doing it?

When Doctors perform major surgery, they play music tracks to calm the nerves of themselves and their team because they know they perform better when relaxed.

Here are a couple of techniques that might help:

  1. Develop your self-awareness to know when you are running too hot and consciously lower your energy by 15-20%. You’ll still be just as efficient but with less frantic energy.
  2. If you get triggered walk away. Don’t respond to an experience, email, interaction when you are ‘hot-headed’. Sleep on it, simmer down, let the heat come off a bit, and then respond calmly later. You always have more time than you think.
  3. The brain can burn out with too much information to process. The mind can sense what’s happening in real time and stay relaxed. If you don’t know the difference between these fundamental areas, then learn Kelee Meditation will help.