Survival of the Wisest

When it comes to performance, many people have an idea of how they’d like to be and what they’d like to do, but don’t always have the tools to get there. For example, everyone would like to be a positive influence in the World, but do you have the wisdom to direct your knowledge and skill in a way that is consistently helpful?

“We live in a World where there isn’t a shortage of knowledge or our access to it. If we’re going to be successful in these challenging times, we need to evolve beyond the fear-based and adversarial “Survival of the fittest,” and evolve our greatest asset, the human mind. Where mental superpowers such as purpose, understanding, presence and wisdom drive our knowledge in a way that helps.” 

Matt Griggs.

Join High-performance coach Matt Griggs for a deeply insightful keynote, as he shares practical tools for evolving your state of mind for greater performance and quality of life.

Matt is an internationally renowned speaker, trainer and coach for deep-minded, high performance people, across business, sport and life. Matt draws from his experience as an ex-professional surfer, coach to World Champions athletes and executives.

Survival of the Fittest Wisest

What to expect?

7:30am Meet for Coffee and Refreshments

8:00am – 9:00am Matt Griggs Talk with Q&A

9:00am – 9:30am Coffee, refreshments and Q&A

Where: Sydney Centennial Homestead, Centennial Park. Please join us in the Wisteria Room

Ticket Prices: (inclusive of GST)

  • Single Ticket: $154 pp
  • Early Bird: $138 pp (ends 27th Sept)
  • Group: Book 5+ tickets and get 10% off

Gain an understanding of how to:

  • Turn knowledge into wisdom
  • Develop behaviours and state of mind for peak performance
  • Learn how to use less energy but be more productive
  • Remove mental blocks such as fear, stress, brain chatter and mindless distractions
  • Evolve mental focus, perception and how to build natural confidence
  • Develop greater mental strength and resilience
  • Learn how to narrow your focus
  • Becomes happier and more harmonious


I have been working with Matt for over 12 months now. My first interaction was a keynote speech Matt delivered to the 500+ team on high performance. For the 40 mins Matt spoke, you could hear a pin drop – the crowd was captivated as he navigated anecdotes from his past with ancient ideas and helpful contemporary frameworks.

Dom Taylor General Manager of APAC Mobility RGM – Uber

Great presentation today Matt many thanks. I will encourage as many of our Agents as I can to embark on this journey with you I know your work & process will benefit them greatly. Many thanks for inspiring & looking after our team today.

John McGrath

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