3 Questions to Help Your Performance


We’re living in an endless stream of people telling us what we should and shouldn’t be doing to be successful. While there’s a lot amount of great information out there, it can cause challenges. Not only is everyone’s definition of success different, our starting points are all different, so what we put into action will need to be different.

Have you noticed that trying to follow advice or implement the steps you read in the latest book to achieve ‘X’ can be challenging?  There’s been numerous times where I’ve come unstuck copying what I thought I should be doing because that’s what the people I looked up to were doing. On reflection it didn’t work because it didn’t feel right for me. Even though our shared goals were the same, they were on a different path to me.

If we’re going to be successful, it’s important to deepen our understanding of what’s working and what’s blocking our performance. This is nearly impossible to do if we’re flat out doing what we ‘should be’ doing, or just copying what works for others.

As we continue to evolve and go after our goals, there will be times we’re uncomfortable learning new things. In these situations, instead of just pushing through regardless, take some time to quieten your mind and ask:

  1.     Is there something worthwhile for me to learn here?
  2.     Does this feel like I’m heading in the right direction?
  3.     Does this feel like it will work for me?

If the answer is ‘Yes’ to all three questions, great, if not it may be time to make some changes – Is there a different way to go after this, that feels more natural to me?

As the level of noise and distractions from the outside world continues to become louder and more frequent, take time each day to quieten your mind and ponder ‘How can I evolve my performance in a way that feels right for me?’